Saturday 19 April 2014

Sunny Views

The nice weather over the last few days has certainly given us some lovely walks around Shipley Park.  Along the West Hallam Screens, where I mentioned all the tree felling and land clearance, it was nice to see that not all the Silver Birch trees had been felled.
These shady stands of Birch are home to hundreds of Fly Agaric fungi in the Autumn, a handsome sight and one which would undoubtedly be lost if the trees were to be felled.
Further along the trail and in the direction of the village of Mapperley, the surrounding fields of Head House Farm were also looking glorious in the Spring sunshine.  The large Oaks which stand guard over Slack Lane, are just beginning to open their leaf buds too.
I also mentioned having walked around Mapperley Reservoir for the first time this year and it was here that the delightful spectacle of flowering Wood Anemones caught our eye.
Always a welcome sight, these white-flowered harbingers of Spring are looking at their best now - particularly when the sun shines and the flowers open fully.
There is always room for another picture of Cherry blossom.  This one is from the Nutbrook trail closer to our home. The bees were rather glad of the sunshine and the abundant flowers too!

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