Friday 18 April 2014

Bells and Slips

The sun was shining on us again this morning as we managed to get a walk around Shipley Park using the 'off piste' footpaths rather than the usual and often over-crowded, tarmac paths.  Around the lakes of Straw's Bridge, Cowslips are opening their delicate flowers among the grasses.
The meadows of Pewit Carr are drying out after the wet winter and here, the Cowslips are numerous and looking pretty good.
Last year at this time, we were still waiting for the Bluebells to make an appearance.  The very late Spring of 2013 meant that we had to wait until well into May before we could enjoy their wonderful colour among the woodlands of Mapperley.  This year has been quite different and the Bluebells are already popping out all over the place - and they are looking pretty good.
Around Mapperley Reservoir too, the Bluebells are showing off, but they are not the only blue flower to be putting in an appearance.  Forget-me-nots are also looking good along the footpaths.
With the great weather we are currently enjoying, all these wild flowers are looking brilliant - and so much earlier than last year!

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