Saturday 22 March 2014


Since getting back home, I have been searching the Net, trying to find the identity of a plant which we found growing along a roadside.  The leaves were thistle-like, but the flower was anything but.  Yesterday evening, Malcolm took up the challenge too and within a short time, he had found it.  Argemone ochroleuca is a member of the Poppy family and is sometimes called the Mexican Poppy as it is a native of Central America.  Like many plants these days, it has become an invasive a nuisance species in many parts of the globe.
We spotted the flower on our way to find the private harbour of Pasito Blanco - a walk which, although only about a mile and a half away, involved circumnavigating a golf course and negotiating a main road.  All of which took us on a rather circuitous route in order to get to our destination.  The harbour turned out to be quiet and rather more 'gentile' than we had been used to in Maspalomas.
Back in Maspalomas and we spent most of our morning walks, strolling round the park - like two old-age pensioners - admiring the ducks...
 And the trees.  These handsome palms are Reystonea regia.
Lastly, another diminutive plant and another 'tick' for the life list.  Growing in abundance in the dry sands of the dunes, spikes of Sand Sedge (Cyperus capitatus) were springing up everywhere.  Every bit as tough as they look, these little sedges were well suited to the desert conditions.
Home again and time to catch up on Springtime in the UK...

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