Sunday 23 March 2014


As suggested yesterday, the march toward spring has been going on apace while we were away.  Back home, we have been delighted to see what colour there is to be found in the British countryside at the moment.  The carpets of snowdrops have finally given way to the Daffodils on Shipley Hill.

The Cherry blossom is also starting to making an appearance.
Around the lakes of Straw's Bridge, the Blackthorn which has been in flower for a few weeks now, is still blossoming bravely.
Even where there is no sign of blossom, things are still looking spring-like.  Here, although no flowers are visible, the sun, shining through the dry stems and seed heads of the Phragmites reed bed, makes a colourful scene.
Having spent a week looking at the arid, sandy and over-populated scene of Gran Canaria, all this burgeoning new, green growth and spring flowers, makes a welcome change.

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