Saturday 25 January 2014


Home from holidays and the weather here remains mild, but extremely wet.  The footpaths in our area are deep in puddles and mud and in parts are almost impassable.  This morning, we set out for a walk around Shipley Lake and when we got to the Coppice lake, the small drainage canals which cut through the woodland were almost full.
This small channel is usually only a few inches deep as it carries water from Coppice Lake down to the much larger Shipley Lake.  But at the moment, the water is flowing deep and fast.
Everything is wet.  The ground, the trees, the road and the bridge over the channel.  The top of the bridge is coated in a bright green carpet of moss.
Where the water leaves Coppice lake, you can just get a glimpse of the small waterfall which, again, is usually barely flowing, but was in full spate this morning.  A tricky subject to photograph as it was so dark through the trees.

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