Monday 27 January 2014


Back out again this morning for a short walk before the rain came once more.  We headed for Straw's Bridge - a path we often take when bad weather threatens - and the paths are so wet and muddy, it's tricky getting home without splashes up your legs and muddy spots everywhere. But the views across Swan Lake, looking into the sun were quite good.
A few hardy Coots were fussing about in the shallows nearby, probably hoping we had food and seemingly unaware of the drop in temperature which left us feeling a bit chilly this morning despite the rather watery sun trying to escape the clouds.
Back home for coffee and time to warm up and dry out a bit and as I looked out the window, a Robin was skulking about in the hedge, trying to keep hidden in the gloom.
The lure of spilt food on the ground beneath the fat-ball feeder above, was soon too much and out he came (or maybe 'she' - it's difficult to tell).

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