Wednesday 4 December 2013


This morning's walk, took us through Shipley Park, up and over Shipley Hill, down to Osborne's Pond, returning around Shipley Lake and Woodside nature reserve.  The first thing which caught our eye (actually it caught our ears first), was the third heaviest cargo aircraft in the world as it flew above our heads on its way to landing at East Midlands airport.  The Antonov 124 'Ruslan'.
This particular aircraft is about 23 years old and flies for Volga-Dnepr Airlines, one of 12 such planes operated by that airline.  Capable of carrying 120 tons of cargo, I wonder if it was carrying my Christmas presents.  Quite a sight!
Further on and 'looking to the skies' seemed to be a good idea as the sun was so nice this morning, ahead of some forecast bad weather to come for the rest of this week.  Looking across Shipley Park, the sun displayed a slight halo around it, caused by ice crystals in the upper atmosphere.
On our way back home, we diverted a little, to take a look at the newly-finished observation platform which has been built by the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust to afford us with a fine view of the area.  Using the panorama function of my camera, I tried to get a 180 degree view from the platform.
Looking up again, we were also treated to the sight of a very short-lived 'sun dog', casting rainbow colours across the sky.  A beautiful sight, but it lasted just a few seconds.

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