Sunday 1 December 2013


In common with most British people, it seems as if I spend a lot of my time moaning about, or at least commenting on the weather - it's a national sport.  But, when we have to contend with a meteorological service as inept as ours, it's hardly surprising.  Last night for instance, we were told that after an initially cool evening, cloud would increase from the north-west and we were in for a cloudy, but milder day today.  Naturally then, we woke this morning to clear, blue skies, frost on the grass and mist hanging in the air.  Absolutely nothing like the forecast promised - as usual!
Having said that, we were thankful for the incorrect forecast as we set out for a walk around Shipley Park.
The slight mist which still hung in the air as we walked along the Nutbrook Trail, added to the atmosphere with the sunshine filtering through the trees.  Then it was on to the 'farm walk' which took us around Head House Farm and on to Slack Lane.  Looking back from the farm towards the small cluster of houses known as The Brook, the mist lay in a thin, flat-topped layer across the top of the old railway bridge beneath which we had just walked.
From Slack Lane, we returned home, walking around the Wildlife Trust's farmland and getting a good view of Shipley Hill in the sunshine.  Our long shadows in this picture, indicative of the very low sun now that we have reached December.
Time for home and a hot coffee I think....!

1 comment:

  1. I like the narrow lanes. They remind me of "The Avengers" which was a favorite TV show years ago.
