Tuesday 30 July 2013


Despite the threatening skies, Malcolm and I ventured out this morning for a walk around Shipley Hill to Osborne's Pond, returning round Shipley Lake.  Part of this walk takes us along yet another disused railway line which once formed part of the Heanor Branch of the London and North Eastern Railway as well as carrying a mineral line which served the local collieries.
These days, things look a lot better.
The sunshine was filtering through the tree tops, casting a dappled light along our path and looking up through the trees, it sparkled among the leaves.
Further along and closer to Shipley Lake, the Teasels (Dipsacus fullonum) are all now coming into flower.  These statuesque plants seem even grander this year at at least 7 feet tall and the bees are certainly enjoying their nectar-rich flower heads.  Again, looking up at these prickly customers, they present some wonderful lines against a dramatic sky.

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