Wednesday 22 May 2013


Yesterday's walk to Osborne's Pond was as productive as usual.  The ducks and geese were fighting for the few scraps of bread still laying around after a bread-bag-induced feeding frenzy. The 'pond' itself was looking delightful.
I couldn't resist taking more photos of the spectacular Rhododendrons on Shipley Hill.  This one was not only gorgeous to look at, but unusually, had a sweet scent too.
We had intended to have a look at the Azaleas and Rhododendrons on the sight of the old hall, but just as we got there, a large and extremely noisy bunch of school kids arrived with a couple of 'teachers' (actually, a couple of air-heads, barely any older and certainly no more intelligent than the kids they were supposed to be in charge of), so we avoided that like the plague!


  1. Hopefully, the kids learned something about nature.

  2. By the look of those kids, they didn't learn anything and their 'teachers' looked incapable of teaching them anything. Sad to say, that's just how things have become in this country.
