Saturday 25 May 2013

Only a Rose.

At last, after a couple of days where we have been shivering and hiding from the dreadful weather, we managed to get a good walk around Shipley Park this morning.  The sun was shining and the birds were singing and despite the fact that the breeze was still rather cool when we got out of the sun, it was a delightful morning.
Around the old over-spill car parks close to Shipley Lake, shrub roses are beginning to open their pale yellow flowers.
Another member of the Rose family is also beginning to bloom now.  With rather smaller flowers and many more of them, the Hawthorn trees make a wonderful display and produce a glorious scent in the air.
It's not just us who appreciate this floral extravagance.  This small Hover Fly was evidently enjoying the the blossom as well as the sunshine too.
From the bank surrounding this wildlife haven, you get a good overview of Shipley Hill and the lovely colours of the trees there as they open their new leaves.  Time to head that way I think.

1 comment:

  1. I love yellow roses. Our "wild" roses are usually purple or white and yellow is very seldom seen.
