Wednesday 10 April 2013

Old Things

A couple of what can be described as 'Old Things' have caught my eye lately while strolling round Shipley Park.
Firstly, the Folly on the top of Shipley Hill built of a brick inner wall, surrounded by a cinder outer skin.  It is said that this folly was built so that that Edward, the Prince of Wales (later King Edward Vll) had somewhere for his secret assignations when visiting the Hall.   The folly is rather tumble-down now but still standing amid the trees - which is more than can be said for the Hall itself.
Part of the industrial heritage of the area, the old Nutbrook Canal is also a little neglected in parts these days.  During our walk this morning, we strolled along a part of it where large sections of stone wall  which once formed a lock gate are still to be seen.  Further along, the canal has reverted more to a small stream once more and any vestiges of canal have been lost forever.  But it still looks good amid the trees.
Deviating from the man-made, we also saw lots of a particular plant which was (and still is) used in old remedies for coughs and other chest conditions.  Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara) has been mentioned on this blog several times, but the emergence of these bright yellow flowers is most welcome having had to wait so long this year and now they have at last started to show their true colours, surely Spring is on its way..!

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