Friday 12 April 2013

New Path

Malcolm and I discovered a 'new path' this morning.  I say 'discovered', but we have known about the path for some time, but this morning was the first time we walked along it.  The path runs on an elevated section of old railway line (as so many paths around these parts do) and took us along the bank which separates the lakes of Straw's Bridge.  A narrow path, it turned out to be quite a revelation.  In times gone by, the path held the lines of the Stanton and Shipley Railway Co.  And much of the line is still there.
A little further along and the line crosses the path of another old set of lines which were once the  Derbyshire and Staffordshire line of the L.N.E.R.  Here, the Points are still visible among the saplings moss and brambles.
The landscape around here seems to be filled with the dead and decaying remnants of our industrial and steam-powered past.  This morning's short - and rather dull - walk was definitely proof of that statement.


  1. I grew up very near some railroad tracks and spent many boyhood hours walking them. I like seeing them.

  2. Old Railway lines make for some of our best walks in Britain and frequently provide the best habitat for wildlife too.

  3. It's quite good that the junction is still there!
