Monday 3 December 2012

Switch On

Thursday, saw Malcolm and I walking round the country park of Arthur's Seat - more of which later.  In the evening, we knew the city was due to celebrate it's festive lights switch-on, so we sallied forth again in the late afternoon and as it got dark we enjoyed the fair and German Market.
A while later, we were passing the area known as 'The Mound' and a gathering crowd there pointed to the fact that something was due to happen, so we waited and before long, a giant Father Christmas came along, frightening the children!
With loud music and a show involving a woman suspended from a crane, doing acrobatics in the freezing temperatures - it was already well below zero - it was quite spectacular.  Then the lights were switched on accompanied by fireworks from the castle.
When it had all died down and the crowds had dispersed, we made our way back to the hotel to thaw out, passing more festivities, markets and a skating rink in the gardens.
All pretty exciting and not a bad way to celebrate Malcolm's 50th..!

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