Sunday 2 December 2012


Malcolm and I arrived in Edinburgh on Wednesday morning and having killed an hour or so at the airport having breakfast and coffee, we caught the bus into the city.  Having sorted ourselves out at the hotel, we went out for a walk around the city, ending up at Calton Hill.  The first thing to catch our eye was the Nelson Monument.  Finished in 1815, it had taken 8 years to complete and has a 'time ball' on the top which drops at 1pm every day as a means for sailors to set their time by.
Close by is the National Monument, based on the Parthenon and designed to be a monument to those killed in the Napoleonic Wars, it was never finished.  But, I think it looks wonderful as it is.
The views from Calton Hill are wide-ranging and well worth the climb - even when the low, Winter sun gets in your eyes and makes taking pictures rather tricky.
Looking into the sun and toward the city, Dugald Stewart's memorial is a fine monument to the Philosopher, Mathematician and prominent figure of the enlightenment.
More to come...

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