Sunday 9 September 2012


A strange name for a strange insect.  Last night, while Malcolm was preparing dinner, a large, green insect buzzed into the garden.  Its flight was a little 'unsteady' to say the least and it eventually flopped onto one of the leaves of our grape vine.  I of course, grabbed the camera and pursued it around the foliage, snapping as I went.  The little perisher was tricky to photograph and kept hiding, but I managed a couple of shots.
It turned out to be a Long-winged Conehead (Conocephalus discolor).  New to Britain in the 1940's, it has spread up the country from its 'foothold' on the South coast and is now to be found up to a line across from The Wash.  So here, in the East Midlands, we are at about the Northern limit of this invader - at least for the moment.  The Long-winged Conehead is a species of Bush Cricket and its spread is supposedly due in part to global warming.
I have this afternoon, recorded this sighting on the Orthoptera and Allied Insects recording website.
Our walk this morning took in some nice views again.  This panoramic view across the farmland towards Mapperley Village was well worth taking in.

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