Saturday 8 September 2012


After few days of no Internet connection, it is nice to be back to normal again (don't speak too soon).  Indeed, if the 'technician' who stumbled blindly about the house yesterday, had done his job properly, we would have been back on-line a lot earlier.  But, the Neanderthal who arrived and grunted "alright mate" at us yesterday morning, was barely able to stand upright and string more than two monosyllabic words together, let alone sort out an Internet-based problem.
So, this afternoon, another technician has been out to sort out the problem and, so far, everything is working well.
Before I tempt fate too much, lets just see a couple of pictures from our rather sunny walks over the last few days.  Firstly, a view across the grass of the picnic site adjacent to Mapperley Reservoir.  We sat and had a coffee here on Thursday having walked around the reservoir and before we returned via Mapperley wood.
The second picture for today, is one taken from the top of Shipley Hill looking South towards Ilkeston and the wonderfully green landscape hereabouts.
Hopefully, our Internet connection will be solid enough now to allow some more posting from now on.  Fingers crossed!

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