Sunday 1 July 2012

Trevelgue Head

One of the finest ancient monuments in Cornwall (and there are thousands of them), Trevelgue Head is a promontory just north of Newquay and is the site of great historic significance.  Evidence of occupation has been found dating back about 8,000 years with ramparts, ditches, burial mounds and Iron-age houses.  Large quantities of animal bones have been unearthed too, pointing to a stock farming community.
These days, there is no human occupation on the headland, but there is a plethora of wildlife which makes the area its home.
Among the most common and most colourful is a diminutive, ground-hugging plant with bright purple flowers and a pleasant scent.  Wild Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) grows all over this part of the British Coastline and is always worth a closer look - and smell!

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