Saturday 30 June 2012

Home again

Malcolm and I got back yesterday evening after a few days away in Cornwall.  We have been staying at the Hotel Victoria in Newquay and can heartily recommend it.  We also seem to have been rather lucky with the weather.  although mostly overcast and a little dull, the sun has also shone a bit and we have avoided all the violent storms and downpours which have blighted large parts of the country over the past few days.
There will, of course, be lots of photos to be posted during the next day or two, but until I get them sorted out, here are a couple to be going on with.
Firstly a general view of Porth Beach with swathes of Hart's-tongue Fern, Wild Garlic, Navelwort, Pellitory-of-the-Wall and a host of other wild flowers.
Another view from the Porth Beach area takes in the headland of Trevelgue Head.  This photo was taken from Porth Bridge which links the island of Trevelgue Head - an Iron-age settlement - to the mainland.
The settlement was of major importance over 2000 years ago.  It protected a harbour which was probably used for export of local tin and minerals.  Burial mound sites litter the surrounding grasslands and a series of ditches and banks have been excavated in the immediate area.  Apart from all that, it's just a beautiful place to be.
More to come...

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