Sunday 27 May 2012


More from our walk in the sun yesterday.
Close to where the spectacular Brooms were in full flower, there was a somewhat smaller flower trying to be seen.  Close to ground level and no more than a couple of millimetres across, the common Mouse-ear (Cerastium fontanum) is a member of the Carnation family but a little less showy.
On a much larger scale, it's always nice to get a good, panoramic view of your walk and yesterday's bright sunshine brightened up the scene beautifully.  Shipley Hill is looking very green and pleasant right now and the white-flowered Hawthorns in the hedges provide a few highlights.  After all the rain we've had, the grass is looking lush too, but if this hot, dry weather continues, we'll be back to 'square one' in no time.

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