Saturday 26 May 2012

New Broom

Spoiled once again by the wonderful weather, we set out for a walk along the old Colliery lines and through farmland before returning home via what have become known locally as the 'Hex Pools'.  It was from around these pools that today's photos came.  There are several Broom plants growing along the footpaths here and they all seem to be flowering their hearts out at the moment.  Viewed against the hawthorn trees, also in full bloom, the bright yellow of this shrub looks gorgeous, especially in the strong sunshine
But, beating this plant into a distant second place as far as colour goes, was another Broom, but this one was in a class of it's own.  The bright yellow was flushed with a deep red and the stems were covered.
Once again, in this sunshine, it looked stunningly beautiful.  Breathtaking!

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