Thursday 26 January 2012


Rarely have we visited anywhere so bereft of wildlife as the Los Cristianos area.  No doubt because of all the over-development, there appears to be no place for many birds, plants (other than the cultivated type) and insects.  A walk around the harbour, with its fishing boats and general bustle, would normally throw up a good quantity of squawking Gulls, but even they were in very short supply.  A couple of juvenile Yellow-legged Gulls flew about the area, but that was all.
There was one highlight however.  As we set out for our walk up the lower slopes of the Montana Guaza, we were treated to the sight of a lone Osprey fishing in the shallows.  Unfortunately it was too far away to take a picture and was soon gone.
There were several Ring-necked Doves (Streptopelia capicola) and Collard Doves (Streptopelia decaocta) around the apartment block.  Almost identical, the the Ring-necks have a slightly thicker, black neck band.  All are rather partial to sharing your breakfast!
A few Monk Parakeets and Ring-necked Parakeets can be seen (and heard) through the palm trees as they search for dates to eat, although they too tended to keep frustratingly far away from the camera lens.

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