Friday 27 January 2012


The smaller of the two 'ash cones' which offered us a little respite from the constant traffic, was Montana Chayofita.  At 377ft it was a fairly gentle and rather short walk around the rim of the cone.  A small cairn with a tatty wooden cross stuck in it, marked the summit.
From here, the views towards the huge bulk of the 12,198ft high Mount Teide was partially hidden by rocky peaks in the foreground and, usually, by cloud.  The view back toward the resort was mostly hidden by hotel complexes.
At least a few scrappy little wild plants were clinging to the hillside.  The most colourful was a diminutive little plant called Bladder Dock (Rumex vesicarius).  Related to the Docks which we rub onto nettle stings, they were rather lovely.

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