Tuesday 13 December 2011

Water, Water.

Along with quite a lot of the country, we had a bit of a deluge last night.  So, it was with a great deal of care that Malcolm and I picked our way around the paths of Straw's Bridge and Pewit Carr this morning, avoiding puddles and mud.  After the driest few months for over a century, the rain is a welcome sight and it has added a couple of inches to the water level in 'Swan Lake'.  Walking through Pewit Carr, the low sun looked very watery as it tried to shine through the bare branches of the Willows.
Water dripped from the trees and flowed through the undergrowth, draining into the lakes and marshy Carr, before helping to refill the Nutbrook and the canal.  With more forecast for the rest of the week, we may yet see the lakes back to their usual levels.

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