Friday 9 December 2011


There wasn't going to be a 'post' today as I had not taken any photos this morning when out on our walk.  But, this afternoon, as I sat at the computer, the skies darkened, then, with the sun low in the west, a strange, orange glow appeared in the sky as a squally shower began to fall.  This led to a lovely rainbow forming.
This strange meteorological phenomenon was made all the more ethereal by the colour of the cloudy sky behind it.  In Roman mythology, the rainbow was thought to be a pathway from heaven to earth, made by the goddess Iris.  If our old legend of there being a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow has any truth about it,  I shall dispatch Malcolm to have a good look in the Elder tree opposite our house as that was clearly where this particular rainbow ended...
..........Ah well!  No gold.

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