Thursday 8 September 2011


Yesterday afternoon, Malcolm and I got home from a few days away in the Lake District.  We started on Sunday, by travelling up to Burton in Kendal.  The forecast was not good and we set off in rain.  By the time we got to Burton, the sun was shining, it was warm and we needed to stretch our legs along the Lancaster Canal.
Looking across the canal, there were good views of the village of Burton over the fields.
Cattle grazed in the fields and came splashing down to the water's edge for a drink.  A pretty mixed bunch they were too.  Several different types all getting on well together, but giving us the eye as we passed.
The views along the canal towards the great, grey, limestone block of Holmepark Fell.  Scoured clean of vegetation during the last ice age, it has been kept stripped by the action of water ever since.  More tomorrow...

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