Friday 9 September 2011


More on the Lancaster Canal walk today.  I mentioned the close observation by the cattle in the fields opposite, well, not all were interested in us as we walked by.  some were far more distracted by the idea of a good drink and a nibble at the grass growing along the edge.
It was a quiet and very charming scene as the drinking cattle were reflected in the water.  Very pastoral.
as well as the cattle, two large families of Mute Swans caught our eye as we walked past.  Having not seen very many young swans around our 'home patch' this year, it was nice to see that here at least, they had done pretty well.  This family had eight young and the other family had seven.
It was too nice to head back too early and we were enjoying the sunshine and the views.  Things changed a bit on Monday - as you will see tomorrow...

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