Monday 13 June 2011

White Flowers

The hedgerows are full of flowers at the moment and by far the most numerous are white.  Among them are those of the Hogweed (Heracleum sphondylium).  The outer petals of the outer flowers are much larger than the rest creating a 'feathery' effect to the umbel.
One of the most poisonous plants found in Britain, it has a photosensitive sap which can burn the skin when open to sunlight.  The whole genus contain mutagenic, carcinogenic and phototoxic properties.
The Elder (Sambucus nigra) flowers are in full bloom too with the promise of many black fruits later in the year.
I mentioned the Ox-eye Daisies a few days ago, but their bright, cheery flowers are always worth a second mention.  The fields are full of them at moment and the golden disc of true flowers in the centre are glorious.

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