Tuesday 14 June 2011


A solo walk for me this morning as Malcolm had an appointment with the optician.  So, as the weather was really nice, I set off round Shipley Hill, down to Mapperley Reservoir, through 'Bluebell Wood' and back home past the farm.  After all the rain over the weekend, all the plants seem to be putting on a growth spurt.  Not least of which are the grasses.  These are all growing rapidly and bursting into flower.
Not good news if you suffer from hey fever, but they nevertheless put on a good - if rather colourless - display.
Some are beginning to grow tall and they look stately as they nod in the breeze.
Closer to home and closer to the ground were the Birds-foot Trefoils which are also in full bloom right now.  always a great favourite with the bees, they're among my favourites too, particularly when you get down to their level for a bugs-eye view of them.

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