Tuesday 9 November 2010

Water Everywhere

After the deluge which was Monday, there is water everywhere.  The footpaths are saturated, the verges are flooded and the dry ditches are no longer dry.  The Nutbrook canal, which is usually just a small stream, is today a raging torrent threatening to break free of it's banks in places.
Looking back from atop the ridge seen in the picture above, it is clear to see how full the old canal is.  The overflow channel to the right, is usually at least a foot above the water-line and makes the dry platform for dog owners to throw sticks into the water for their dogs to fetch.  But not today.
Looking the other way, you see one of the flooded pits which form the nature reserve of Peewit Carr.  Here again, the water is trying to leave its usual home and is looking at taking over the grassy banks.
With the strong and cold wind added to the mix, by now it was time to head back home and get warm and dry again.

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