Wednesday 10 November 2010

Nothing's simple

It was time to treat ourselves again this morning, so we set out for a 'full English' cooked breakfast at Tesco - as well as to do a  little shopping.  Over the last few months, Tesco have had an offer where, if you buy an eight-item breakfast, you get a bottle of Tropicana juice at a discounted price to go with it.  This offer is still in place, but, alas they had run out out of Tropicana.  So we thought we would settle for a good, strong coffee instead.  But, the coffee machine wasn't working.
Eventually, we got our breakfasts - still very good value despite the lack of an offer - and enjoyed our eggs, beans, hash browns, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread and, in Malcolm's case, bacon.
Then it was into the store for a little retail therapy.  Good news, there was an offer on Mr Kipling's Mince Pies.  Buy one get TWO free!  So with our basket heavier to the tune of three boxes of festive pies and several packets of hearing-aid batteries (for our friend Winn) which were reduced from £4 to £2, but actually went through the till at £1 per pack of 6 (we should have bought more!), we quickly grabbed the few other necessaries and headed for the checkout.
Here, things were not so simple.  The brain-dead, ditsy, peroxide-blonde cashier seemed more interested in her copy of the 'Shop-workers Union' rule book and mopping up a miniscule amount of spilled milk than in serving the customers.  Maybe there is a section or sub-section somewhere in her "comrade's book of union rules" which states that she is not actually forced to do the job for which she is paid and for which she had originally been employed.  Nothing would surprise me anymore.
With austerity measures kicking in everywhere and all of us having to 'tighten our belts', I would like to suggest that businesses everywhere should look at their staff and begin by kicking out those individuals who are neither use nor ornament.  I could happily suggest several members of Tesco staff who should be first in line for the 'chop'.
Rant over........for now anyway!

1 comment:

  1. Stephen! Tesco is my favourite supermarket in Ilkeston - NOT!!!!
    Did you know the new ASDA has opened in Langley Mill?
