Friday 22 October 2010

Storm clouds

We had the benefit of some wonderful skies while in Portugal.  The windy and 'changeable' weather we had during the middle weekend, meant that the clouds piled in from the Atlantic and some were quite stunning.
Even when it looked like we were about to be drenched, there was a certain dramatic quality to the sky which held your attention.  Soon after taking this shot, we were indeed caught in a short, sharp downpour.
The early evenings afforded us some wonderful spectacles of colour and light, as the storm clouds formed.
A strange, peach-coloured light bathed us one evening as the clouds were illuminated seemingly from within by the late sunshine.
Spectacular !
When all calmed down again, the sunsets were still noteworthy and bathed us in a golden light, rounding off a lovely day and promising another warm one to follow.

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