Saturday 23 October 2010

Closer to home

Leaving the pictures of Portugal for now, we return to some photos taken a little closer to home.  We have not ventured out this morning as it looks like rain, but yesterday, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful, Autumn morning for a stroll.  Looking across Manor Floods, the colour of the trees opposite, was reflected in the still water, disturbed only by a couple of Coots diving for their breakfast.
Taking a walk in the other direction, towards Shipley Hill, we were presented with more colour.  Not as rich or as varied as in previous years, but still well worth stopping to take it all in.
Further up the hill and the magnificent, old Beech tree which stands looking out over the countryside to the North and over the town, is rapidly losing its leaves, but there are still enough to provide a colourful scene.
This is a truly beautiful tree and warrants more pictures (and indeed I have taken many in the past).  This one taken from beneath its branches, looking towards the lake.

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