Thursday 3 June 2010


What a beautiful day. Malcolm and I set out in the sunshine this morning half expecting to have to dodge the usual school-holiday crowds around Shipley Park. But we were pleasantly surprised and our walk around the old 'American Adventure' site proved to be fairly quiet, with the odd horse and rider and cyclist.
The floral displays are rather beautiful too. The hedges are filling with the flowers of the Dog Roses.
Pale pink petals, fluttering in the light breeze create a stunning contrast to the dark, green background foliage and with their bright yellow stamens, the flowers certainly know how to put on a show.
A white flowered plant next and one which I have mentioned before, but usually in the Autumn, when they are laden with the brightest red berries in the hedgerow. The Guelder-rose (Viburnum opulus) is not actually a rose, but related to the Snowball bush I mentioned a few days ago HERE
A smaller flower, but this time a member of the rose family. The Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) bushes are starting to open their blossoms at the moment, hinting at the fruitfulness of things to come.
Lastly, a Shrub Rose, with huge flowers, twitching in the breeze like pink tissue paper and about the size of a saucer, created a wonderful show in the planted hedges of the old theme park car-park.

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