Tuesday 26 January 2010


Some lovely views were, once again on offer as we took our daily walk around the environs of Benidorm.
One of the best views to be had of the whole town, is from one it's southernmost extremities, the small, rocky pinnacle of the Hermitage.
The view also includes the small range of hills known as the Sierra Gelada. Much the same view can be had from the site of the ancient Castle, now known as the Placa del Castell. On this particular occasion, the mist had descended over the Sierra - and a cheeky gull had crept in to the picture.
On a clearer day, it is possible to see well beyond the skyscrapers of the town and the Sierra Gelada, to the huge monolith of the rock of Calpe (remember this entry from last year, when we got up-close to the rock).
Another view of the town, a little closer to the action this time, is of the ParqueAigüera.
Last view for now, takes us up into the hills of the Sierra Gelada on our way to the large cross which overlooks the town. Beyond the town you get a good view of the mountains inland. The most famous of these is the 'chipped' mountain of Puig Campana which rises to approximately 4,626ft. In impressive sight, the name means 'Bell Mountain' - though you will not hear it ringing! The 'chip' is supposed to have ended up as the small island in the sea off Benidorm, known as Peacock Island.

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