Monday 25 January 2010


We were fortunate enough to have some wonderful weather in Benidorm. Having said that, it was a little drizzly the day we arrived, but as we spent the afternoon sorting out, unpacking and getting some shopping in, it didn't matter at all.
Some of the skies were breathtakingly colourful, as in this one taken from our balcony in the early evening.
A little later one evening and the sunset was fiery-red as the lights started to come on around the town.
If I managed to get out of bed early enough, the sunrises were pretty good too. As the sun rose over the Sierra Gelada - the range on hills to the east of the town - it burst through the morning mist in dazzling shafts.
Along the paths around the Sierra Gelada, on the way to the Castel del Mar, the skies over the sea were also colourful, although more subtle in their showiness.

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