Tuesday 15 December 2009

Twice the joy!

Two carols for you today.
The first is one which we used to sing at school, back in the middle ages. Past Three O'clock is not heard much these days, Malcolm didn't remember it at all and it has taken some tracking down to find it on the interwebs. But here it is a strange ditty dating back about one hundred years. Words by George Ratcliffe Woodward (1848–1934) to the traditional tune "London Waits".

The second carol is much more well known and Malcolm's favourite carol. It came Upon the Midnight Clear is American in origin and the first printed version appeared in 1849 in Boston, Massachusetts. The best version is, however, sung with the English musical score known as the "Noel", which was adapted from an English melody in 1874 by Arthur Sullivan (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame).
This one was also difficult to track down in it's 'proper' form, but here it is. Sing up Malcolm!

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