Wednesday 16 December 2009


Having not had much in the way of walks lately, due to the weather and other outside influences, we were determined to get out and about this morning. So, with an optimistic air and a song in our hearts (well, nearly), we set off towards the garden centre at Shipley. Undeterred by the spots of rain, we bravely marched on, to gaze open-mouthed and wide-eyed at the wonderful Christmas displays and decorations.
I was like a kid in a sweet shop, looking in wonder at the mechanical Christmas scenes of Santa in his sleigh being hoisted to the top of a little helter-skelter before being released to plunge, headlong down to the bottom, before starting all over again. Baubles made of pearlised glass, sparkled in the glow from a million fairy lights, displaying their price tags brazenly to the shoppers.
Magical clocks on the wall urged you to 'try me' by pressing the buttons on their sides. When pressed, the clocks began playing Christmas music and performing an intricate dance involving the clock faces splitting, turning around before coming together again before displaying the £495 price tag (including batteries).
Sitting down to a weak, but mercifully hot cappuccino before walking home again, we gazed out to the rain which was now falling a little more heavily.
Clutching our few purchases - you can't walk round these places without buying something - we headed for home to get warm and dry once more.
Another traditional carol today, probably dating to the early 18th Century and of Cornish origin. The First Nowell is surely known to everyone.

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