Saturday 17 October 2009

Sa Foradada

Between Pueto de Soller and Valldemossa, lies a serpentine road which runs along the top of the cliffs, overlooking the sea. A more stunning stretch of road, you could not wish to see.
Along this road there are a few nice places to stop to admire the view, the best of which, looks out over a small peninsular called Sa Faradada and affords fine views in all directions.
The small peninsular lies some 800ft below the viewer's stand point. The rock has a large hole in it at one end and sits in a beautiful, azure sea.
Despite the wonderful views and all the visitors, one particular soul seemed to be completely unimpressed by it all...
Looking south-west along the coast, the mountains plunge from a height of over 3000ft, down to the sea. On the day we were there, the air was hot and very humid, not a good combination for the best, clear views, but they were pretty good all the same.
The slopes are covered with olive trees, pines and many other shrubs, in which the birds twitter. Simply stunning.... and not the last (or the least) of the spectacular views we shall see during our stay in Mallorca.

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