Monday 3 November 2008

Nutbrook Trail

After the nasty weather yesterday, it was nice to get out and about again this morning and in spite of the grey skies it turned out to be a good walk. We decided to follow the Nutbrook Trail towards Sandiacre - a route we had not previously taken. The fields were certainly very wet after all the recent rain and in parts they were completely flooded. The water was flowing from one field to another, across the grass and through a hedgerow... ...eventually it found it's way into a nearby brook and flowed away in a more usual way. The Nutbrook Trail follows the route of old branch lines which once served the nearby Stanton Ironworks, as well as numerous coalmines. There are many reminders of this long-gone industry as you walk the trail.
Running everywhere along and around the trail are countless brooks and streams. Many of these are full of wildlife and even at this drab time of year there are still plants to be found, like this diminutive plant. Duck Weed is common enough but still looks good. More bridges criss-cross the path and make you wonder what the area must have been like when the heavy industry of the area was in full swing. It must have been a very different sight then.
Turning to head back home, we got the strangest feeling that we were being watched......!
Passing under yet more bridges - this one carrying the A609 Derby road - we returned to Straws Bridge lake known locally as 'Swan Lake' and then back home for a hot cup of coffee.

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