Saturday 1 November 2008

November already

So we have survived Halloween. This year it all passed us very quietly in contrast to the last few years. Last night we were spared the sight of gangs of hoodies terrorising the neighbourhood, 'egging' houses, throwing other missiles and abusing all and sundry, as we saw last year. We didn't even see teen aged mothers thrusting babies in pushchairs into any opened door and demanding money with menaces as we got in 2006.
Last night we were ready for them but got nothing - hooray! The only sign of Trick-or-Treat was a few small children dressed as witches (and looking better than they do going to school), parading around the streets and not even knocking on any doors. Which beggars the question, 'why bother?'

Anyway, the cold and drizzly weather today makes you wish for summer sun and warmth - the sort of weather we had in Benidorm in January this year. Avoiding the bustle of the high season (not to mention some of the British Tourists!), we had a wonderful time walking around the cliffs and headlands to the north of the resort. Looking back towards the town you get a real idea of the scale of the place.The hill certainly gives a great vantage point and you get a close-up view of the famous cross which stands high above the town and is lit up at night. The flora of the area was wonderful with so many flowers blooming in the early spring weather. These Hollow Stemmed Asphodels (Asphodelus fistulosus) were everywhere. As were these beautiful, blue Shrubby Globularia (Globularia alypum).
And the bright yellow of the Vetch (Coronilla valentina) looked particularly good in the sun.

A little further round the coast we came to the cliffs. A spectacular sight and an internationally important site for wildlife.

Back into town and passing by the more rowdy parts, you get to the old town and the site of the old castle - sadly no longer there - but now a very popular and beautiful view point.
As the sun goes down you can watch it from the lovely square in the old town.
As it gets darker and things quieten down, there are few places as nice as this.

And a world away from rainy England........

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