Tuesday 28 October 2008

More colours of autumn

More signs of autumn this morning as Malcolm and I walked round Shipley Hill then on towards the new open-cast mine at Smalley. The site of this new mine looks like a scene from first world war France with huge earth-works, mud, noise and yet more mud. But at least the colours are still good on some of the trees.
Fungi are showing their heads above ground all over the place at the moment and in some cases look fresh and beautiful...

..But others look slimey and not very attractive at all.

Back around Mapperley reservoir all was calm and peaceful if you could ignore the noise of the tractor cutting the hedgerows behind you! Still, the ducks didn't seem to mind too much. The reservoir was very full this morning and in parts was trying to break free from it's banks and invade the land.

Home again and yet another herald of autumn in the garden. A crane-fly or Daddy-long-legs trying to catch the last of todays sun rays.

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