Monday 27 October 2008

Autumn colours

With Autumn well and truly upon us, it was time to try to capture some of the sights to be found close to home - to be exact, around Shipley Country Park between Derby and Nottingham in the East Midlands. So Malcolm and I ventured out this morning to take advantage of the sunshine and see what we could find.
The Colours were rather good this morning, particularly when the sun came through and brightened the scene.

The Reedmaces are in full show at this time of year, not that the coots and tufted ducks seemed very interested in them. The ducks and swans were far more interested in whether or not we had brought a bread-bag' with us! Sorry ducks, you're out of luck today.

The Field Maples and Sycamores are particularly fine at this time of year.

The berries look good too! These Guelda-rose (Viburnum opulus) berries look juicy and good enough to eat but perhaps only if you are a Blackbird!

More berries, this time Rose hips. Darker in colour but still shining in the autumn sunshine. Packed full of vitamin C, they make a good cup of tea apparently - we didn't try it!

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