Saturday 13 June 2020


The weather, having been hot a sunny for a few weeks, has been cold and wet for several days now. But with things warming up again today, we were once again out and about round Shipley Park this morning, primarily enjoying the wild flowers - like these Red Campion, which seem to be everywhere at the moment.
These were growing along the old Nutbrook Canal, making the most of things before the Blackberry bushes and Nettles take over and crowd them out.
Part of the Carnation or 'Pinks' family, they're quite charming and always reward a closer look.
Also growing along this path, we found a few Herb Robert flowers starting to open...
and several spikes of Hedge Woundwort.
This is a member of the same family as Mint and Deadnettles, as a closer inspection of the flowers will indicate.
There are lots of fallen trees along this stretch of the old canal and where the wood has started to decay, some fungi are beginning to show. One of particular note, was this fabulous Dryad's Saddle.
Almost hidden amongst the nettles, we nearly missed them, but they were well worth finding!
Heading back home again, we crossed the main Nutbrook Trail, avoiding other people as much as possible, but taking in the joys of Elder Flowers...
and even the grasses are worth taking a closer look!

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