Monday 20 January 2020


Rather than head home from Newquay all in one trip, we decided to split the journey and spend the last night in Saltash, near Plymouth. So, on the way there and as the weather had taken a turn for the worse once more, we dropped in to the Eden Project.
Driving conditions were if anything, worse than they had been during the storm, but at least it was dry once we got in the 'domes'. We started in the more temperate, Mediterranean section and were greeted with a nice display of Bougainvillea.
Being the middle of winter - even in the domes - there wasn't much in flower, but these Fuchsias were doing their best.
It's almost twelve years since we were last here and things have grown a bit in that time. Not least, these palms.
The Arum Lilies were glorious...
and some of the citrus fruits were strange to say the least. This one is known as Buddha's Hand (Citrus medica var. sarcodactylis) for obvious reasons.
Some colour was to be had...
and some weird and wonderful flowers too.
It made a change from the decidedly grey weather outside.
Time for a bite of lunch and then into the warmer, tropical 'domes'. But that's for tomorrow!

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