Thursday 5 December 2019

Last of the Algarve

Just a few last pictures today, of of our short trip and as usual, we got plenty of long walks while we were there. The dunes have been protected from walkers' feet, by the construction of wooden walkways and one of our favourite walks was along to the lighthouse at the mouth of the harbour.
Near the end, the wooden walkway, gives way to a granite causeway, forming two sides of the channel into and out of the estuary and harbour.
Plenty of places to stop, to check in to your social media..!
AT the end, was this small and rather rusty lighthouse.
At low tide, the estuary was reduced to a few small water channels.
We had some nice views across the sand...
and across the dunes.
Walking from the hotel in the opposite direction, all was cliffs, which looked beautiful in the sun...
and came in all sorts of shapes.
Back at the hotel, we were a big hit with the local Azure-winged Magpies - or at least our Pastéis de nata were!
So that's about it. Time to head home again and get started on Christmas..!

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