Saturday 9 November 2019


This morning, despite the gloomy weather and the coldest morning of the season so far, we bravely set out to do 'the farm walk'. Gone were the blue skies of a few weeks ago....
and instead, we had leaden skies and lingering mist.
We were convinced the sun was still up there somewhere, but it was struggling to make its presence felt this morning.
Looking back along the path, things were definitely looking wintry.
The Oaks are hanging on to their leaves for a few more days yet, but have taken on a golden hue, brightening up a dull day.
Up through the woods, the brook is still gushing with water after all the rain.
There are still a few fabulous fungi to be found around the trunks of the Birch trees...
and if you look closely, you might find these wonderful little Fairy Cup Lichens, or Cladonia.

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