Wednesday 16 October 2019

Preparing for Winter

The unstoppable march of autumn, carries on apace. The trees on Shipley Hill, are taking on their golden colours and look gorgeous, even if it is for only a few days.
All too soon, the seasonal winds, will strip the branches bare, so you have to make the most of this short season.
The fungi - as mentioned the other day - are making the most of the time available too. This Woolly Milkcap caught my eye.
In the garden too, preparations are being made for the winter ahead. Not by me in this case, but by an impossibly cute little Wood Mouse who seems to have set up home here.
This adorable creature, has been entertaining us for some days now. He appears from under the shed, dashes across the patio with his his cheeks full of bird seed, then disappears down a hole in the ground, amongst the shrubbery.
Soon, he's back across the patio and under the shed, before popping out the other end to gather more seeds, dropped by the sparrows from their bird feeder hanging above. Capturing pictures of the little fellow at long distance and through the glass of the patio doors, is not easy, particularly when he doesn't sit still for more than a second or two at a time. But these didn't turn out too bad.
If there was a prize for the most active or industrious animal in the garden, he would win it by a mile!

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