Friday 11 October 2019

Contrasting Weather

Once again, this morning has reverted to being wet and windy, incomplete contrast to the last couple of days. Yesterday, we had to curtail our walk slightly, as we were expecting the installation of our new front door, so we set off for Straw's Bridge. On the way, we passed Pewit Carr, starting to look somewhat 'bronzed' as the leaves turn.
At 'Swan Lake' the trees are taking on an even brighter range of colours....
whilst the birds keep a sharp look out for any food being brought by visitors.
The Tufted Ducks are always entertaining and this little fellow was keeping his plumage in tip-top condition, in readiness for the winter to come - as well as enjoying the sunshine.
The Spindle Trees are looking at their best right now. Their bright orange and pink fruits are spectacularly colourful.
Heading back, we passed the Manor Floods and this beautiful Swan, busy preening and also enjoying the sunshine.
Lastly, a picture from a few days ago - brace yourself  if you don't like spiders, because it is of a 4-Spot Orb Weaver which Malcolm spotted on the path as we walked along. A spectacular, if rather frightening specimen.

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