Tuesday 23 July 2019

High Summer

With temperatures soaring again this week, high summer has truly arrived and with it, all the associated bugs and beasts which conspire to make your morning walk, something of a trial. Malcolm and I got back from our walk this morning, sporting a few bites from various Cleg-flies, which will no doubt form itchy lumps! But for all that, the countryside is looking pretty good at the moment, especially as the Rosebay Willowherb is now in full bloom.
Creeping Thistles add a subtle touch of pale mauve colour to the otherwise green and (increasingly) beige scene.
In the wildlife gardens of the local nature reserve, the small ponds are decorated by these pale pink Water Lilies.
The flowers are very popular with all sorts of insects.
A few days ago, we found this wonderful Leopard Moth on our walk. Another new 'tick' for my life-list!

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